AFL Editor menu

AFL editor features separate menu consisting of the following choices:
1. File

- New - clears the formula editor window
- Open - opens the formula file
- Save - saves the formula under current name
- Save As.. - saves the formula under new name
- Print - prints the formula
- Exit - closes the editor
2. Edit

- Undo - un-does recent action (multiple-level)
- Redo - re-does recent action (multiple-level)
- Cut - cuts the selection and copies to the clipboard
- Copy - copies the selection to the clipboard
- Paste - pastes current clipboard content in the current cursor position
- Select All - selects entire text in the editor
- Find... - provides access to text search tool
- Copy Error Message - copies current error message displayed in the bottom
of the editor window to the clipboard (option is active only when there are
any errors displayed after syntax check)
3. Tools

- Verify syntax - checks current formula for errors
- Apply indicator - saves the formula and applies current formula as a chart/indicator
- Insert chart - saves the formula and applies current formula as a chart
MANY TIMES (inserts multiple times)
- Send to Auto-Analysis - saves the formula and selects it as current formula
in Automatic Analysis window
- Scan - saves the formula and performs Scan in Automatic Analysis window
- Exploration - saves the formula and performs Exploration in Automatic Analysis
- Backtest - saves the formula and performs Backtest in Automatic Analysis
- Optimization - saves the formula and performs Optimization in Automatic
Analysis window
- Check - saves the formula and performs Check (if given formula references
future) in Automatic
Analysis window
- Options: Auto-save formula before running analysis - when checked, any
click on Scan/Explore/Backtest/Optimize button in Automatic Analysis window
triggers automatic save of current formula.
4. Help

as well as context menu (available via RIGHT click over the formula):

which essentially duplicates choices available from regular menu.